Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

Civet Coffee

Indonesia’s most famous coffee – kopi luwak – is one of a kind in the world. The Asian palm civet, or luwak, eats only the best, ripest and reddest coffee cherries as its snack. The typical enzyme in its digestive system creates a special fermentation process that results in a delightful and unique coffee. Our Aceh Sumatra luwak coffee is produced from wild civet dung obtained in farmer’s farms.

印尼最有名的咖啡貓屎咖啡,又稱麝香貓咖啡是世界上其中第一的.貓屎咖啡是由印尼椰子貓(一種麝香貓)的糞便作為原料所生產,故叫貓屎咖啡”. 天然地麝香貓只選而吃好而咖啡上的咖啡果當作它小吃.好而咖啡果在麝香貓胃裡就完成發酵,產生短肽和更多的自由氨基酸,咖啡的苦澀味會降,再排出來的糞便便是主要原料,由於咖啡豆不能被消化,會被排泄出來,經過清洗,烘培後就成了麝香貓咖啡.


Enjoy a rare cup of 100 % pure wild and organic Aceh Sumatra luwak coffee!

Contact : 0857 7115 5583